How Do You Stop A Tick Infestation?

It is easier to prevent a tick infestation than it is to stop it. If you are looking to prevent ticks, here are a few steps to take.

  • Get a topical or oral medication for your pets from a trusted veterinarian
  • Dress to avoid ticks: on hikes or in brushy areas, wear pants, close-toed shoes, and long sleeves
  • Use insect repellent with deet in areas ticks may be lurking
  • Stay on marked paths and do not venture into the thick brush or tall grass
  • After walking in tick prone areas, check yourself, family members, and pets for ticks

To stop a tick infestation, treatment might span several weeks and requires vigilance. First and foremost, focus on treating the areas where the pet sleeps or lays out. In the interior of your home, use diatomaceous earth (DE) powder along cracks, and common areas. This drying agent breaks down their skeletons and prohibits them from molting into the next phase of life. You can also purchase over-the-counter indoor-safe pesticides. Alongside regular cleaning and yard trimming, over time this is an effective DIY method. For more immediate results, there are professional pest control businesses like Asset Pest Management with the experience and tools to expedite the process.

Remember, ticks don't like sunny, low-humidity areas or short grass. With this in mind, there are several steps you can take outdoors to limit tick populations. Limiting ticks outdoors is the best way to prevent ticks indoors.

  • Trim shrubs, ornamental plants, and tall grasses
  • Check new mulch for ticks
  • Keep your lawn grass short
  • Stacking wood at least 10 feet away from your home
  • Clear piles of yard debris regularly
  • Clean and declutter pet bedding and living spaces
  • Know that rodents and wildlife are carriers of ticks - do your best to limit these around the property

If DIY tick control isn’t working, contact a reliable pest control company like Asset Pest Management. Ticks are dangerous creatures. Keep your loved ones safe by calling for professional help today


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