How Much Does A Termite Inspection Cost?

When renting, buying, or selling a home or business, banks and other financial institutions may require a wood-destroying organism (WDO) state report when considering a loan for a home or business. In these situations, reliable pest control companies charge a flat fee to conduct and process termite inspections for state reports. The cost varies depending on the location and the size of the property. The cost usually covers the pest control technicians’ time performing the inspection, plus compiling and submitting the report.

However; many people contact professional pest control companies as a proactive prevention measure or more often when they suspect termite activity is afoot in their homes and businesses. In either case, when you contact a reliable pest control company, such as Petri Pest Control Services, for an inspection, you’re doing so to get an estimate for the treatment of a current infestation or to enroll the prospect in a program to prevent infestations. Petri Pest Control Services does not charge potential customers to perform termite inspections. Contact us to schedule your free termite inspection!


Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed

It is our goal to bring you the best extermination service the hill country has to offer. If there are any problems you can count on us to assist you in any way we possibly can. 

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